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Fedora Core is a complete desktop and server operating system created entirely with open source software.

[Caution] Fedora Core Lifecycle

Fedora Core is a rapidly evolving system which follows the latest technical developments. Fedora Core may not be appropriate for use in critical applications in your organization.

This manual helps you to install Fedora Core on desktops, laptops and servers. The installation system is flexible enough to use even if you have no previous knowledge of Linux or computer networks. If you select default options, Fedora Core provides a complete desktop operating system, including productivity applications, Internet utilities, and desktop tools.

This document does not detail all of the features of the installation system.

[Tip] Reporting Document Errors

To report an error or omission in this document, file a bug report in Bugzilla at When you file your bug, select "Fedora Documentation" as the Product, and select the title of this document as the Component. The version of this document is fedora-install-guide-en_US-1.26 (2006-03-14).

The maintainers of this document will automatically receive your bug report. On behalf of the entire Fedora community, thank you for helping us make improvements.

1. Background

The Fedora Project, which produces and maintains Fedora Core, is a collaboration between Red Hat Inc. and the free and open source software (FOSS) community. The Fedora Project also provides Fedora Extras, additional software packaged for installation on a Fedora Core system.

For more information about the Fedora Project, please visit . Refer to and for more information about open source software.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire