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6.3. Installation TCP/IP Configuration

The installation program is network-aware and can use network settings for a number of functions. For instance, you can install Fedora from a network server using FTP, HTTP, or NFS protocols. You can also instruct the installation program to consult additional software repositories later in the process.

By default, the installation program uses DHCP to automatically provide network settings. If you use a cable or DSL modem, router, firewall, or other network hardware to communicate with the Internet, DHCP is a suitable option. In a business environment, consult with your network administrators for appropriate settings. If your network has no DHCP server, clear the check box labeled Use dynamic IP configuration (DHCP).

The installation program supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. If you are not sure which addressing scheme your network uses, it is safe to leave both options selected. Refer also to Chapter 9, Network Configuration for more information on configuring your network.

[Note] DHCP Responses Take Time

If you select options for a protocol not used on your network, or vice versa, it may take additional time to receive network settings from the DHCP server.

These settings apply only during the installation process. The installation program allows you to configure the final network configuration later.

You can install from a Web, FTP, or NFS server either on your local network or, if you are connected, on the Internet. You may install Fedora from your own private mirror, or use one of the public mirrors maintained by members of the community. To ensure that the connection is as fast and reliable as possible, use a server that is close to your own geographical location.

The Fedora Project maintains a list of Web and FTP public mirrors, sorted by region, at To determine the complete directory path for the installation files, add /9/Fedora/architecture/os/ to the path shown on the web page. A correct mirror location for an i386 system resembles the URL

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire