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2.2. Download Files

Do any one of the following:

  1. Download the ISO image for a Live image. Create CD media from the ISO file using your preferred application. You may also use the livecd-tools package to write the image to other bootable media such as a USB flash disk. To install the distribution to your hard disk, use the shortcut on the desktop after you log in.

  2. Download the ISO images for the full distribution on CD or DVD. Create CD or DVD media from the ISO files using your preferred application, or put the images on a Windows FAT32 or Linux ext2/ext3 partition.

  3. Download the boot.iso image for a minimal boot CD or bootdisk.img file for a minimal boot USB flash drive. Write the image to the approriate physical media to create bootable media.

  4. Download the rescuecd.iso image for a reduced-size boot CD. Write the image to the appropriate physical media to create bootable media.

  5. Download the vmlinuz kernel file and the initrd.img ramdisk image from the distribution's isolinux/ directory. Configure your operating system to boot the kernel and load the ramdisk image. For further information on installation without media, refer to Appendix B, Installing Without Media .

    For information on setting up a network boot server from which you can install Fedora, refer to Appendix C, Setting Up an Installation Server .


  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire