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Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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gdk_draw_arc() draws an ellipse or a portion of one. (Figure 20). The arc can be filled or unfilled; the third argument to the function toggles fill. The fourth through seventh arguments describe a rectangle; the ellipse is inscribed in this rectangle. angle1 is the angle at which to start drawing; it is relative to the 3 o'clock position (that is, 0 radians). angle2 is the distance to travel around the arc; if positive, travel is counterclockwise, otherwise travel is clockwise. Both angle1 and angle2 are specified in sixty-fourths of a degree; so, 360 degrees is given as 360*64. This allows more precise specification of the arc's size and shape, without using floating point numbers. angle2 should not exceed 360 degrees, since it is nonsensical to move more than 360 degrees around the ellipse.

To draw a circle, draw from 0 to 360*64 inside a square:

  gdk_draw_arc(drawable, gc, TRUE,
               0, 0, 
               50, 50,
               0, 360*64);

To draw half an ellipse, change the aspect ratio and halve the span of the arc:

  gdk_draw_arc(drawable, gc, TRUE,
               0, 0, 
               100, 50, 
               0, 180*64);

Many X servers draw the edges of filled arcs in an aesthetically unpleasing way; in particular, very small circles may not look very circular. You can work around this by also drawing the circle's outline.

#include <gdk/gdk.h>

void gdk_draw_arc(GdkDrawable* drawable, GdkGC* gc, gint filled, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, gint angle1, gint angle2);

Figure 20. Drawing Arcs

Gtk+/Gnome Application Development
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