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Extending Eclipse monitoring, profiling, and testing functions
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Working with the Export Viewer Generator sample

This sample demonstrates how to extend the export capability available for TPTP based views. A sample code is provided for an extension to the export viewer generator support. This sample generates an XML output containing the data in the selected view.

If you have not already done so, create the example by File > New > Example... > Export Viewer Generator Sample.

The sample contains the following elements which contribute to the export viewer generator extension available in TPTP:

  • plugin.xml: Contains the extension point for the simple XML schema report generator.
  • org.eclipse.tptp.exportviewergenerator.sample.xml.ExportToXML: This is an extension of the ReportGeneratorWizard which contains the code for generating a simple XML output.

The following procedure outlines the steps needed to view the contributions to the TPTP views made by this sample extension:

  1. Launch an instance of a runtime workbench by selecting Run > Run As > Eclipse Application.
  2. Switch to the Profiling Monitor navigator view in the Profiling perspective.
  3. Populate the Profiling Monitor view by importing a profiling file or profiling an application.
  4. From the profiling agent in Profiling Monitor view, open any TPTP profiling statistical view, e.g. Memory Statistic view, Execution Statistic view. Note the Report action in view tool bar opens the New Report wizard that has the additional "Export to XML" option and selecting it creates a simple XML file with the current view's displayed data.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire