Working with the Table Cell Tooltips Extension sample
This sample demonstrates how to extend the column cell tooltips dialog content
available for TPTP based statistic table views. Sample code
is provided for an extension to the table column cell tooltips content.
If you have not already done so, create the example by File >
New > Example... > Table Cell Tooltips Extension Sample.
The sample contains the following elements which
contribute to the table cell tooltips extension available in TPTP:
- plugin.xml: Contains the
extension point for the table column cell extension sample.
This is an extension of the org.eclipse.tptp.platform.common.ui.views.TableCellLabelProvider which implements
the column cell tooltips content extension.
The following procedure outlines the steps needed to view the
contributions to the TPTP views made by this sample extension:
- Launch an instance of a runtime
workbench by selecting Run > Run As
> Eclipse Application.
- Start profile a Java application with Execution Time Analysis profiling option.
- Populate the profiling resource by opening Execution Statistics view.
- In Execution Statistic view, select Execution Statistic tab, mouse over any column cell and inspect the tooltips dialog content.
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