RSE Validator Sample Four
This is an example of a validator written by extending an existing RSE-supplied validator, and
simply supplying unique messages.
package org.eclipse.rse.samples.ui.frameworks.dialogs;
import org.eclipse.rse.core.ui.validators.ValidatorIntegerRangeInput;
import org.eclipse.rse.samples.*;
* An example of a customized validator, that prompts for a birth day.
public class SampleBirthDayValidator extends ValidatorIntegerRangeInput
* Constructor. Specifies the valid range, and unique error messages.
public SampleBirthDayValidator()
super(1, 31);
super.setErrorMessages(SamplesPlugin.getPluginMessage("SPPD1007"), // empty
SamplesPlugin.getPluginMessage("SPPD1008"), // non-numeric
SamplesPlugin.getPluginMessage("SPPD1009")); // out of range