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Sample Message File

This is an example of a simple message file, say in sampleMessages.xml, which has defined messages for only a single component.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE MessageFile SYSTEM "../org.eclipse.rse.ui/messageFile.dtd">
<!-- This is an exammple of a message file used by SystemMessage and SystemMessageDialog -->
<MessageFile Version="1.0">
     <Component Name="Samples Plugin" Abbr="SPP">
          <Subcomponent Name="Dialogs" Abbr="D">
                <!-- Component 'D' for dialog sample messages -->

                    <Message ID="1000" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>You must enter a name</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>You have left the customer name empty. Specify a name.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1001" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>You must enter a birth year</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>You have left the birth year empty. Specify a year.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1002" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>%1 is not a valid year</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The birth year specified is not within the valid range of %2 to %3.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1003" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>Year %1 is out of range</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The value you specified for the birth year is not a valid number.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1004" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>You must enter a birth month</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>You have left the birth month empty. Specify a month.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1005" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>%1 is not a valid month</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The value you specified for the birth month is not a valid number.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1006" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>Month %1 is out of range</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The birth month specified is not within the valid range of %2 to %3.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1007" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>You must enter a birth day</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>You have left the birth day empty. Specify a day.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1008" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>%1 is not a valid day</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The value you specified for the birth day is not a valid number.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1009" Indicator="E">
                          <LevelOne>Day %1 is out of range</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The birth day specified is not within the valid range of %2 to %3.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1010" Indicator="I">
                          <LevelOne>Customer %1 created successfully. Re-run to see update mode.</LevelOne>		
                          <LevelTwo>The customer was created. Re-running the same sample action will show the dialog in update mode.</LevelTwo>

                    <Message ID="1011" Indicator="I">
                          <LevelOne>Customer %1 updated successfully.</LevelOne>		

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire