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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Launcher (Obsolete)

This extension point is deprecated


This extension point has been replaced by the launchConfigurationTypes extension point. Extensions of this type are obsolete as of release 2.0 and are ignored. This extension point was used to contribute launchers. A launcher was responsible for initiating a debug session or running a program and registering the result with the launch manager.

Configuration Markup:

<!ELEMENT extension ( launcher*)>

<!ATTLIST extension





  • point - a fully qualified identifier of the target extension point
  • id - an optional identifier of the extension instance
  • name - an optional name of the extension instance

<!ELEMENT launcher EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST launcher

id          CDATA #REQUIRED

class       CDATA #REQUIRED

modes       CDATA #REQUIRED

label       CDATA #REQUIRED

wizard      CDATA #IMPLIED

public      (true | false)

description CDATA #IMPLIED

perspective CDATA #IMPLIED

icon        CDATA #IMPLIED


  • id - a unique identifier that can be used to reference this launcher.
  • class - fully qualified name of the Java class that implements org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ILauncherDelegate.
  • modes - A comma separated list of modes this launcher supports. The two supported modes are "run" and "debug" - as defined in org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager. A launcher may be capable of launching in one or both modes.
  • label - a label to use for the launcher. This attribute is used by the debug UI.
  • wizard - fully qualified name of the class that implements org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchWizard. This attribute is used by the debug UI. A launcher may contribute a wizard that allows users to configure and launch specific attributes.
  • public - whether a launcher is publically visible in the debug UI. If true, the launcher will be available from the debug UI - the launcher will appear as a choice for a default launcher, launches created by this launcher will appear in the launch history, and the launcher will be available from the drop-down run/debug toolbar actions.
  • description - a description of the launcher. Currently only used if the wizard attribute is specified.
  • perspective - the identifier of the perspective that will be switched to on a successful launch. Default value is the identifier for the debug perspective. This attribute is used by the debug UI.
  • icon - a relative path of an icon that will represent the launcher in the UI if specified.

The following is an example of a launcher extension point:

      point = 
             id = 

             class = 
             modes = 
"run, debug"

        label = 
"Example Launcher"

      wizard = 
      public = 

      description = 
"Launches example programs"


In the example above, the specified launcher supports both run and debug modes. Following a successful launch, the debug UI will change to the Java perspective. When the debug UI presents the user with a list of launchers to choose from, "Example Launcher" will appear as one of the choices with the "Launches example programs" as the description, and the wizard specified by com.example.launchers.ui.ExampleLaunchWizard will be used to configure any launch specific details.

Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire