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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Launch Delegates



This extension point provides a mechanism for contributing a launch delegate to an existing launch configuration type for one or more launch modes. Since launch modes are extensible, it may be neccessary to contribute additional launch delegates to an existing launch configuration type. Each launch delegate is contributed for a specific launch configuration type. A launch delegate supports one or more launch modes, and specifies a delegate responsible for the implementation of launching.

Configuration Markup:

<!ELEMENT extension ( launchDelegate+)>

<!ATTLIST extension





  • point - a fully qualified identifier of the target extension point
  • id - an optional identifier of the extension instance
  • name - an optional name of the extension instance

<!ELEMENT launchDelegate ( modeCombination+)?>

<!ATTLIST launchDelegate

id                   CDATA #REQUIRED

name                 CDATA #IMPLIED

delegate             CDATA #REQUIRED

modes                CDATA #IMPLIED

type                 IDREF #IMPLIED

sourcePathComputerId IDREF #IMPLIED

sourceLocatorId      IDREF #IMPLIED

delegateDescription  CDATA #IMPLIED


  • id - specifies a unique identifier for this launch delegate.
  • name - A human readable name for this delegate - for example, "Eclipse JDT Launcher". This name is presented to the user when more than one launcher is available for a launch configuration and the user must choose a preferred launcher. This attribute was added in the 3.3. release.
  • delegate - specifies the fully qualified name of the Java class that implements ILaunchConfigurationDelegate. Launch configuration instances of this delegate's type will delegate to instances of this class to perform launching in the modes this launch delegate supports - see the modes attribute and the modeCombination element.
  • modes - A comma-separated list of the individual launch modes this delegate supports.

    This attribute should be used when a launch delegate supports single launch modes - for example launching in run mode or debug mode. When a launch delegate supports launching in mixed mode (for example, debug and profile), the modeCombination element should be used to specify supported launch mode combinations.

    This attribute can be used in conjunction with modeCombination elements. It is suggested practice to provide one or the other (either a comma seperated listing in the modes attribute, or modeCombinations). Specifying 'run,debug' in the modes attribute is analogous to specifying two modeCombination contributions, one for 'run' and another for 'debug'.

  • type - identifier of an existing launch configuration type that this launch delegate is capable of launching.
  • sourcePathComputerId - The unique identifier of a sourcePathComputer extension that is used to compute a default source lookup path for launch configurations of this type. Since 3.1, this attribute cab be specified in a launchDelegate extension when unspecified in the assocaited launchConfigurationType extension. Only one source path computer can be specified per launch configuration type.
  • sourceLocatorId - The unique identifier of a sourceLocator extension that is used to create the source locator for sessions launched using launch configurations of this type. Since 3.1, this attribute can be specified in a launchDelegate extension when unspecified in the assocaited launchConfigurationType extension. Only one source locater can be specified per launch configuration type.
  • delegateDescription - A description of this launch delegate - for example "The Eclipse JDT Java Application Launcher supports running and debugging local Java applications". This description is presented to the user when more than one launcher is available for a launch configuration and the user must choose a preferred launcher. This attribute was added in the 3.3 release.

<!ELEMENT modeCombination EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST modeCombination

modes       CDATA #REQUIRED

perspective CDATA #IMPLIED


This element specifies a launch mode combination this delegate supports. Each modeCombination element specifies a comma seperated list of modes specifying a supported mixed launch mode. For example, a delegate that supports debugging, profiling and code coverage at the same time would specify a modes element of consisting of 'debug, profile, coverage'. This element can also be used to specify single launch modes that are supported - for example a modes attribute of 'debug'. This element was added in the 3.3 release.

  • modes - a comma seperated list specifying a combination of modes the associated delegate supportes.

    Unlike the modes attribute of the launchDeleaget element definition, this comma seperated list represents a mixed launch mode rather than the single supported launch modes. For example: a modeCombination element specifying modes of 'profile,debug' indicates the delegate can debug and profile at the same time. In contrast, if 'profile,debug' was specified by the modes attribute of the launchDelegate element, it would indicate the delegate could debug or profile, but not at the same time.

  • perspective - a string representing the id of a persepctive to switch to when launching.

The following is an example of a launch delegate extension point:

 <extension point=



"Eclipse JDT Java Profile Tooling"
"run, profile"
   <modeCombination modes=
"debug, profile, coverage"

In the example above, the specified launch delegate is contributed to launch Java applications in profile mode. The delegate supports mixed mode launching. The delegate supports profiling when launching in run or debug mode, with code coverage in debug mode only. When the mode combination or run and profile is used, in this example, the perspective com.example.Perspective can also be opened.

Copyright (c) 2000, 2005 IBM Corporation and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire