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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Preference pages

Once a plug-in has contributed extensions to the workbench user interface, it is common for the plug-in to allow the user to control some of the behavior of the plug-in through user preferences.

The platform UI provides support for storing plug-in preferences and showing them to the user on pages in the workbench Preferences dialog. Plug-in preferences are key/value pairs, where the key describes the name of the preference, and the value is one of several different types. (See Runtime preferences for a detailed description of the runtime preferences infrastructure.)

How does a plug-in contribute a page for showing its preferences? We will use the readme tool example to see how it contributes a preference page to the workbench and then look at some of the underlying support for building preference pages.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire