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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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FormText control

It is possible to achieve highly polished results using images, hyperlinks and text snippets mixed together in a form. However, when the mix of these elements is needed as part of one integral text, it is very hard to do. To remedy the problem, UI Forms offer a rudimentary text control that can do the following:

  • Render plain wrapped text

  • Render plain text but convert any segment that starts with https:// into a hyperlink on the flyv

  • Render text with XML tags

In all the modes, FormText control is capable of rendering either a string or an input stream.

Rendering normal text (label mode)

	FormText rtext = toolkit.createFormText(form.getBody(), true);
	String data = "Here is some plain text for the text to render.";
	rtext.setText(data, false, false);

Second argument set to false means that we will treat input text as-is, and the third that we will not try to expand URLs if found.

Automatic conversion of URLs into hyperlinks

It is possible to still handle the text as normal but automatically convert segments with https:// protocol into hyperlinks:

	FormText rtext = toolkit.createFormText(form.getBody(), true);
	String data = "Here is some plain text for the text to render; "+
                       "this text is at web site.";
	rtext.setText(data, false, true);

Similar to the Hyperlink control, FormText accepts listeners that implement HyperlinkListener. These listeners will be notified about events related to the hyperlink segments within the control.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire