Ant tasks provided by the platform
The platform provides some useful Ant tasks and properties that
interact with the workspace. They can be used with buildfiles that are set to build within the same JRE as the workspace.
This task is a wrapper to the
IResource.refreshLocal() method. Example:
<eclipse.refreshLocal resource="MyProject/MyFolder" depth="infinite"/>
- resource is a resource path relative to the workspace
depth can be one of the following: zero, one or infinite
When the project attribute is supplied, this task is a wrapper to
. Otherwise, this task is a wrapper to the method:
<eclipse.incrementalBuild project="MyProject" kind="incremental"/>
- project the name of the project to be built
- kind the kind of build to perform. Possible values include:
"incremental" to perform an incremental build
"full" to discard existing builder state and rebuild everything from scratch
"clean" to discard existing builder state but not rebuild
- builder the name of the builder to run; If this value is not specified
all builders are run
Converts a file system path to a resource path or vice-versa. The resulting value is
assigned to the given property. The property attribute must be specified, as well as
either the fileSystemPath or resourcePath attribute. When
a file system path is supplied, this task is a wrapper to
. When a resource path
is supplied, this task is a wrapper to
<eclipse.convertPath fileSystemPath="${basedir}" property="myPath"/>
<eclipse.convertPath resourcePath="MyProject/MyFile" property="myPath"/>