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Eclipse JET Guide
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Package org.eclipse.jet.xpath.inspector

Interfaces allowing in-memory models to be handled by the JET XPath processor.


Interface Summary
IElementInspector Specialization of INodeInspector for nodes where getNodeKind() returns ELEMENT.
INodeInspector Interface providing the XPath parser with information on a particular object.
INodeInspectorExtension1 An optional extension interface of INodeInspector allowing faster access to named child nodes.

Class Summary
ExpandedName Define the XPath ExpandedName.
INodeInspector.NodeKind A type safe enumeration of node kinds recognized by the JET XPath engine.
InspectorManager Manager for finding XPath Inspectors for classes

Exception Summary
AddElementException Exception thrown in case of errors by IElementInspector.addTextElement(Object, String, String, boolean).
CopyElementException Thrown during if an error occurs during the execution of IElementInspector.copyElement(Object, Object, String, boolean).
InvalidChildException Represent an inconsistency between at child element's parent, and its parent as specified in a method call.
SimpleElementRequiresValueException Represent at attempt to create a simple Element (one with only text context) without specifying a value.

Package org.eclipse.jet.xpath.inspector Description

Interfaces allowing in-memory models to be handled by the JET XPath processor.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire