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Eclipse C/C++ Developer Guide
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CDT Project Wizard Defaults preferences

These settings affect CDT New Project Wizard behaviour.

CDT Project Wizard Defaults preferences tab

Show only supported toolchains, by default
Allows to filter out toolchains which are not supported by system.
If disabled, all toolchains known to CDT are shown.
Note that this mode can be switched directly in Project Wizard dialog.
Group old-style toolchains to <Others> folder
Old-style toolchains do not distinguish project types (executable, shared library or static library).
So they can be either placed to list's root, or grouped in <Others> folder on the left pane of Wizard.
Restore Defaults
Sets all parameters to default values
Saves current settings.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire