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Eclipse C/C++ Developer Guide
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Memory view

The Memory view of the Debug perspective lets you monitor and modify your process memory. The process memory is presented as a list of so called memory monitors. Each monitor represents a section of memory specified by it's location called base address. Each memory monitor can be displayed in different predefined data formats -- memory renderings. The debugger supports five rendering types -- hexadecimal (default), ascii, signed integer and unsigned integer. The default rendering is displayed automatically on the monitor creation.

Memory View

The Memory view contains two panes -- the Memory Monitors pane and the Memory Renderings pane. The Memory Monitors pane displays the list of memory monitors added to the debug session currently selected in the Debug view. The content of the Memory Renderings pane is controlled by the selection in the Memory Monitors pane and consists of the tabs that display renderings. The Memory Renderings pane can be configured to display two renderings simultaneously.

Memory view toolbar icons

The table below lists the icons displayed in the Memory view toolbar.

New Memory View icon
New Memory View
Click to create a new memory view.
Pin Memory Monitor icon
Pin Memory Monitor
Select to pin the memory monitor on top of all other memory monitors.
Toggle Memory Monitors icon
Toggle Memory Monitors Pane
Shows/hides the Memory Monitor pane.
Toggle Split Pane icon
Toggle Split Pane
Toggles the Memory Renderings pane split.
Link Memory Rendering Panes icon
Link Memory Rendering Panes
Synchronizes the selection of two memory renderings.
Switch Memory Monitor icon
Switch Memory Monitor
When more than one memory monitor is active, select a different memory monitor to view.
  Menu > Layout Switch the Monitors and Rendering panes display between horizontal or vertical orientation.
  Menu > Preferences

Opens the Preferences window allowing you to set:

  • Reset Memory Monitor - set to reset only visible or all renderings when reseting a memory monitor
  • Padded String - enter strings to show unretrievable memory
  • Select Codepages - specify the standard to convert memory to ASCII and EBCDIC strings
  Menu > Table Rendering Preferences Specify the memory loading mode to use when rendering scrolls to the end of the buffer.

Monitors pane context menu

The Monitors pane context menu inside the Memory view includes:

Add Memory Monitor icon
Add Memory Monitor
Adds a new memory address or variable to the Memory Monitors pane.
Remote Memory Monitor icon
Remove Memory Monitor
Removes the selected memory address or variable from the Memory Monitors pane.
Reset icon
Resets the current memory monitor view.

Rendering pane context menu

The Rendering pane context menu inside the Memory view includes:

Add Rendering icon
Add Rendering
Add a memory rendering pane to display a memory monitor item at a different address or in a different format.
Remote Rendering icon
Remove Rendering
Removes the selected rendering from the Memory view.
  Panes Enable or disable the showing of the Address, Binary, and Text portions of the rendering view.
  Endian Toggle between the Little (default) and Big Endian display of memory.
  Text Choose the character encoding used to convert memory values into text for display. Choices include: ISO-8859-1 (default), US-ASCII, or UTF-8.
  Cell Size Specify the cell size used to display values in the Binary column. Choices include: 1, 2, 4 (default), and 8 bytes.
  Radix Specify the radix used to display the values in the Binary column. Choices include: Hex, Decimal Signed, Decimal Unsigned (default), Octal, and Binary.
Copy to Clipboard icon
Copy To Clipboard Copies the selected portion of the Rendering pane to the clipboard.
  Go To Address Opens an edit box to type in a memory address. Press Enter to go to that address and show it in the Rendering pane.
  Reset To Base Address Resets the Rendering pane to the original base address.
Refreshes the Rendering pane.

Related concepts
Debug information

Related tasks
Working with memory

Related reference

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire