Building a project
The make output and build progress information displays in the
Console view. The Make Targets view displays makefile actions, and the
Tasks view displays compile warnings or errors.
To build a project:
- In the Project Explorer view, select your project. For the tutorial, you can select the HelloWorld project you created earlier.
- Click Project > Build Project.
You can also hit the hammer icon on the toolbar.
If you see an error message, such as:
(Cannot run program "make": Launching failed)
then CDT cannot locate the build command, usually make.
Either your path is not configured correctly, or you do not have make
installed on your system.
- You can see the output and results of the build command in the Console view.
Click on its tab to bring the view forward if it is not currently visible.
If for some reason it's not present, you can open it by selecting Window > Show View > Console.
Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).
CDT Projects
Build overview
Building projects
Make Builder page,C/C++ Properties window
Next: Debugging a project
Back: Creating a makefile