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Fedora Core 5 Xen Virtualization Guide
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Automatically Loading Domains On Startup

If you want your domains to automatically start when rebooting the system make sure that you enable the xendomains service, and place the Xen configuration file for the domains in the /etc/xen/auto/ directory.

To enable the xendomains service:

  • # /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 xendomains on
    # /sbin/service xendomains start

Note that the /etc/init.d/xendomains script is broken with respect to its use of the LSB init functions. This is arguably due to a bug in Fedora's LSB support, and has been filed in Fedora's bugzilla as [WWW] bug 171052 and [WWW] bug 171056. The latter bug includes a modified version of the /etc/init.d/xendomains script as an attachment which you can use instead.

Fedora Core 5 Xen Virtualization Guide
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