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Attribute for <FONT ...>
FACE = "text string"

Usage Recommendation
Moving to Styles
This effect is done better with styles. See Break the <FONT> Habit

This information is presented for the sake of completion and historical accuracy. Don't use the <FONT ...> tag. It will make your life difficult. See Break the <FONT> Habit for an easy tutorial on styles. If you would like to learn how to set font faces, see Font Family.
FACE tells the browser what font face (also called a "typestyle") to use for the text. For example, to make the text appear in the Arial font we use this code:

this code produces this
<FONT FACE="Arial">Hello there</FONT>
Hello there

This code assumes, however, that the browser's computer has the "Arial" font installed. That's not an assumption you can make. For this reason, FACE allows you to list more than one possible face, to get a better chance of listing a face the browser's computer has. List all the possible faces to try, separated by commas, in order of preference.

this code produces this
<FONT FACE="sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva">Hello there</FONT>
Hello there

In this case, the browser will first look for the generic font "sans-serif" (see more about generic fonts below). If the browser doesn't find "sans-serif", it will look for "Arial". If it doesn't find that, it will look for "Helvetica", and so on. Most computers reading the web which understand fonts at all will understand at least one of these four font faces, which makes sans-serif, Arial, Helvetica, Geneva a popular combination.

The latest versions of Netscape and MSIE allow you to specify generic font families. Generic font families are not actual fonts, they are general purpose names to which the browser assigns an actual font. For example, most Windows 95 computers assign "sans-serif" to "Arial". Generic font families come from the style sheet standards established by W3C. "sans-serif" is by far the most useful of the families. The others are:

  • serif: for most browsers this is the default font family anyway
  • monospace: better to use <TT>
  • cursive: not supported by most browsers
  • fantasy: not supported by most browsers

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