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The Guide to Writing SELinux Policy
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8. the types directory

The types directory contains definitions of types, broken up in to the following files:

8.1 device.te

This file contains the types for device nodes.
type device_t, file_type;
This line defines the type device_t for /dev. file_type is the attribute that is used for all types for files and directories. If you search for /dev in the file file_context you will see its type is set to device_t.
 type null_device_t, file_type, device_type, mlstrustedobject;
Defines the type null_device_t for /dev/null. The device_type attribute identifies all types assigned to device nodes. mlstrustedobject is not used at this time.

8.2 devpts.te

This file contains the types for pseudo ttys.
type devpts_t, fs_type, root_dir_type;
Set the type of the devpts filesystem (devpts_t) and the type of the root directory of that filesystem.

8.3 file.te

This file contains the types for files.
type unlabeled_t, sysadmfile;
Unlabeled objects have the type unlabeled_t. Any time you change the policy to remove the definition of a type, everything that uses that type becomes unlabeled.

8.4 network.te

This file contains the types for networking.
type netif_t, netif_type;
type netif_eth0_t, netif_type;
type netif_eth1_t, netif_type;
type netif_eth2_t, netif_type;
type netif_lo_t, netif_type;
type netif_ippp0_t, netif_type;
The netif types are used for network interfaces.

8.5 nfs.te

This file contains types for NFS usage.
type nfs_t, fs_type, root_dir_type;
nfs_t is the default type for NFS file systems and their files. Set the root directory of the NFS file system to be of type nfs_t.

8.6 procfs.te

This file contains types for the proc file system.
type proc_t, fs_type, root_dir_type;
type proc_kmsg_t;
type proc_kcore_t;
proc_t is the type of the proc file system. proc_kmsg_t is the type for /proc/kmsg. proc_kcore_t is the type for /proc/kcore.

8.7 security.te

This file contains types for security stuff for SE Linux.
type security_t, fs_type;
type policy_config_t, file_type;
type policy_src_t, file_type;
security_t is the target type when checking the permissions in the security class. policy_config_t is the type of /etc/security/selinux/* and policy_src_t is the type of /etc/selinux/* (on Debian).

The Guide to Writing SELinux Policy
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  Published with kind permission of Faye Coker Design by Interspire