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SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES 10) Installation and Administration
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37.0 LDAP—A Directory Service

The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a set of protocols designed to access and maintain information directories. LDAP can be used for numerous purposes, such as user and group management, system configuration management, or address management. This chapter provides a basic understanding of how OpenLDAP works and how to manage LDAP data with YaST. While there are several implementations of the LDAP protocol, this chapter focuses entirely on the OpenLDAP implementation.

It is crucial within a networked environment to keep important information structured and quickly available. This can be done with a directory service that, like the common yellow pages, keeps information available in a well-structured, quickly searchable form.

In the ideal case, a central server keeps the data in a directory and distributes it to all clients using a certain protocol. The data is structured in a way that allows a wide range of applications to access it. That way, it is not necessary for every single calendar tool and e-mail client to keep its own database—a central repository can be accessed instead. This notably reduces the administration effort for the information. The use of an open and standardized protocol like LDAP ensures that as many different client applications as possible can access such information.

A directory in this context is a type of database optimized for quick and effective reading and searching:

  • To make numerous concurrent reading accesses possible, write access is limited to a small number of updates by the administrator. Conventional databases are optimized for accepting the largest possible data volume in a short time.

  • Because write accesses can only be executed in a restricted fashion, a directory service is used to administer mostly unchanging, static information. Data in a conventional database typically changes very often (dynamic data). Phone numbers in a company directory do not change nearly as often as, for example, the figures administered in accounting.

  • When static data is administered, updates of the existing data sets are very rare. When working with dynamic data, especially when data sets like bank accounts or accounting are concerned, the consistency of the data is of primary importance. If an amount should be subtracted from one place to be added to another, both operations must happen concurrently, within a transaction, to ensure balance over the data stock. Databases support such transactions. Directories do not. Short-term inconsistencies of the data are quite acceptable in directories.

The design of a directory service like LDAP is not laid out to support complex update or query mechanisms. All applications accessing this service should gain access quickly and easily.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES 10) Installation and Administration
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire