To view a list of parameters available for the xm
xm help
To view a list of all running virtual machines
xm list
To start and view a VM (paravirtual)
(The VM starts and displays in the terminal window)
xm create
To start and view a VM (fully virtual)
(The VM starts and displays in a separate SDL viewer window)
xm create
To view the console of an already-running VM (paravirtual)
xm console
To change the memory available to a VM (paravirtual)
xm mem-set vm_name
To do a normal shutdown of the VM’s operating system
xm shutdown vm_name
To do a normal shutdown of the VM’s operating system (fully
Access the operating system’s console. Complete the steps to
shut down the system.
To terminate a VM immediately
xm destroy vm_name
To terminate a VM immediately (fully virtual)
Close the SDL viewer window.