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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) KDE Guide
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KDE User Guide

This manual introduces the KDE desktop of your SUSE® Linux Enterprise Desktop and a variety of applications you will encounter when working with the KDE desktop. It guides you through using these applications and helps you perform key tasks. It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use of KDE in everyday life.

The manual is subdivided into the following parts:

KDE Desktop

Get to know your KDE desktop and learn how to cope with basic and daily tasks, using the central KDE applications and some small utilities. Get an impression of the numerous possibilities KDE offers to modify and individualize your desktop according to your needs and wishes.

Office and Collaboration

Use the office and collaboration software your SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop offers, such as the suite, several e-mailing and calendaring programs, and applications for online conversations. Also find vital information concerning the management and exchange of data on your system: how to share files on the network, how to effectively search and encrypt data, and how to manage printers.


Find out how to use the Internet applications included in your SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, such as Konqueror or the Firefox Web browser, a download manager, or a news feed reader.


Find topics such as graphics applications, digital cameras, sound applications, and CD and DVD writers.


We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the online documentation and enter your comments there.

Additional Documentation

There are other manuals available on this SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop product. If you want to have a look at the other end user documentation for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, the following manuals might be interesting:

Installation Quick Start

Lists the system requirements and guides you step-by-step through the installation of your SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop.

GNOME User Guide

This manual introduces the GNOME desktop of your SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop and a variety of applications you will encounter when working with the GNOME desktop. It guides you through using these applications and helps you perform key tasks. It is intended mainly for end users who want to make efficient use of applications running on the GNOME desktop.

For an overview of all manuals shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, refer to, where you can also download the manuals. You can also access the information online in the Help Center of your desktop.

Documentation Conventions

The following typographical conventions are used in this manual:

  • /etc/passwd: filenames and directory names

  • placeholder: replace placeholder with the actual value

  • PATH: the environment variable PATH

  • ls, --help: commands, options, and parameters

  • user: users or groups

  • Alt, Alt F1 : a key to press or a key combination; keys are shown in uppercase as on a keyboard

  • File, File Save As : menu items, buttons

  • Dancing Penguins (Chapter Penguins, ↑Reference): This is a reference to a chapter in another book.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) KDE Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire