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SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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6.3 Managing Your Buddy List

Use the Buddy List to manage your contacts, also known as buddies. You can add and remove buddies from your Buddy List, and you can organize your buddies in groups so they are easy to find.

6.3.1 Displaying Buddies in the Buddy List

Once your accounts are set up, all buddies who are online appear in your Buddy List. If you also want your buddies who are not online to appear in the Buddy List, click Buddies > Show Offline Buddies.

6.3.2 Adding a Buddy

To add a buddy to your Buddy List, click Buddies > Add Buddy, then enter the information about that buddy.

NOTE:For some protocols, you cannot add a buddy in the Gaim interface. You must use the client for those protocols if you want to add to your buddy list. After you have added a buddy in the protocol’s client, that buddy appears in your Gaim Buddy List.

6.3.3 Removing a Buddy

To remove a buddy, right-click on that buddy’s name in the Buddy List, then click Remove.

SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED 10) GNOME User Guide
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  Published Courtesy of Novell, Inc. Design by Interspire