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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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31.12. Creating a virtual network

To create a virtual network on your system:
  1. Open the Host Details menu (refer to Section 31.11, “Managing a virtual network”) and click the Add Network button, identified by a plus sign (+) icon.
    Virtual network configuration
    Figure 31.26. Virtual network configuration

    This will open the Create a new virtual network window. Click Forward to continue.
    Creating a new virtual network
    Figure 31.27. Creating a new virtual network

  2. Enter an appropriate name for your virtual network and click Forward.
    Naming your virtual network
    Figure 31.28. Naming your virtual network

  3. Enter an IPv4 address space for your virtual network and click Forward.
    Choosing an IPv4 address space
    Figure 31.29. Choosing an IPv4 address space

  4. Define the DHCP range for your virtual network by specifying a Start and End range of IP addresses. Click Forward to continue.
    Selecting the DHCP range
    Figure 31.30. Selecting the DHCP range

  5. Select how the virtual network should connect to the physical network.
    Connecting to physical network
    Figure 31.31. Connecting to physical network

    If you select Forwarding to physical network, choose whether the Destination should be Any physical device or a specific physical device. Also select whether the Mode should be NAT or Routed.
    Click Forward to continue.
  6. You are now ready to create the network. Check the configuration of your network and click Finish.
    Ready to create network
    Figure 31.32. Ready to create network

  7. The new virtual network is now available in the Virtual Network tab of the Host Details window.
    New virtual network is now available
    Figure 31.33. New virtual network is now available

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