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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

Purchase a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) Essentials

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

Preview Book Changing Mirrored Volume Configuration

You can convert a logical volume from a mirrored volume to a linear volume or from a linear volume to a mirrored volume with the lvconvert command. You can also use this command to reconfigure other mirror parameters of an existing logical volume, such as corelog.
When you convert a logical volume to a mirrored volume, you are basically creating mirror legs for an existing volume. This means that your volume group must contain the devices and space for the mirror legs and for the mirror log.
If you lose a leg of a mirror, LVM converts the volume to a linear volume so that you still have access to the volume, without the mirror redundancy. After you replace the leg, you can use the lvconvert command to restore the mirror. This procedure is provided in Section 6.3, “Recovering from LVM Mirror Failure”.
The following command converts the linear logical volume vg00/lvol1 to a mirrored logical volume.
lvconvert -m1 vg00/lvol1
The following command converts the mirrored logical volume vg00/lvol1 to a linear logical volume, removing the mirror leg.
lvconvert -m0 vg00/lvol1

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