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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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23.4. Configure the Install Terminal

If you logged in with ssh and X11 forwarding, anaconda starts immediately with its graphical user interface.
If you did not set the display= variable and do not use X11 forwarding, anaconda gives you the choice of starting VNC or text mode.
Choosing VNC or text mode
VNC and text mode options in anaconda
Figure 23.1. Choosing VNC or text mode

If you choose VNC, you will be asked for a password or you can choose to use VNC without a password. If you use a password, make a note of the password for future reference. The VNC server then starts.
The VNC server starts
The VNC server prompts you to supply a password.
Figure 23.2. The VNC server starts

Now open a connection to the IP address of your z/VM guest virtual machine using a VNC client. Authenticate to the VNC server with the previously entered password.

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