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14.3. Forgotten user Password

I've forgotten my user password. How do I get a new one?

Passwords are stored in encrypted files on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux system: users cannot read a file and see their own or other passwords. If you forget your user password, you must create a new one.

If you realize that you have forgotten your pasword while logged in, you can create a new one for yourself. Open a shell prompt and enter the command passwd. The passwd command asks for the new password, which you will have to enter twice. The next time you log in, use the new password.

If you are not logged in when you realize you have forgotten your password, log in as the root user. Open a shell prompt and enter the command passwd username, where username is your normal user name. The passwd command requires you to enter the new password twice. Log out of your system. You can now log back in with your normal user name and your new password.

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