Solutions to selected exercises can be found in the electronic document The Thinking in Java Annotated Solution Guide, available for a small fee from www.BruceEckel.com.
- Create an array of double and fill( ) it using
RandDoubleGenerator. Print the results.
- Create a new class called Gerbil with an int gerbilNumber
that’s initialized in the constructor (similar to the Mouse
example in this chapter). Give it a method called hop( ) that
prints out which gerbil number this is, and that it’s hopping. Create an
ArrayList and add a bunch of Gerbil objects to the List.
Now use the get( ) method to move through the List and call
hop( ) for each Gerbil.
- Modify Exercise 2 so you use an Iterator to move through the
List while calling hop( ).
- Take the Gerbil class in Exercise 2 and put it into a Map
instead, associating the name of the Gerbil as a String (the key)
for each Gerbil (the value) you put in the table. Get an Iterator
for the keySet( ) and use it to move through the Map, looking
up the Gerbil for each key and printing out the key and telling the
gerbil to hop( ).
- Create a List (try both ArrayList and LinkedList)
and fill it using Collections2.countries. Sort the list and print it,
then apply Collections.shuffle( ) to the list repeatedly, printing
it each time so that you can see how the shuffle( ) method
randomizes the list differently each time.
- Demonstrate that you can’t add anything but a Mouse to a
- Modify MouseList.java so that it inherits from ArrayList
instead of using composition. Demonstrate the problem with this approach.
Repair CatsAndDogs.java by creating a Cats container
(utilizing ArrayList) that will only accept and retrieve
Cat objects.
- Fill a HashMap with key-value pairs. Print the results to show
ordering by hash code. Extract the pairs, sort by key, and place the result into
a LinkedHashMap. Show that the insertion order is maintained.
- Repeat the previous example with a HashSet and
- Create a new type of container that uses a private ArrayList
to hold the objects. Using a Class reference, capture the type of
the first object you put in it, and then allow the user to insert objects of
only that type from then on.
- Create a container that encapsulates an array of String, and that
only adds Strings and gets Strings, so that there are no casting
issues during use. If the internal array isn’t big enough for the next
add, your container should automatically resize it. In main( ),
compare the performance of your container with an ArrayList holding
- Repeat Exercise 12 for a container of int, and compare the
performance to an ArrayList holding Integer objects. In your
performance comparison, include the process of incrementing each object in the
- Using the utilities in com.bruceeckel.util, create an array of each
primitive type and of String, then fill each array by using an
appropriate generator, and print each array using the appropriate
print( ) method.
- Create a generator that produces character names from your favorite movies
(you can use Snow White or Star Wars as a fallback) and loops
around to the beginning when it runs out of names. Use the utilities in
com.bruceeckel.util to fill an array, an ArrayList, a
LinkedList, and both types of Set, then print each container.
- Create a class containing two String objects and make it
Comparable so that the comparison only cares about the first
String. Fill an array and an ArrayList with objects of your class
by using the geography generator. Demonstrate that sorting works
properly. Now make a Comparator that only cares about the second
String and demonstrate that sorting works properly. Also perform a binary
search using your Comparator.
- Modify Exercise 16 so that an alphabetic sort is used.
- Use Arrays2.RandStringGenerator to fill a TreeSet, but by
using alphabetic ordering. Print the TreeSet to verify the sort order.
- Create both an ArrayList and a LinkedList, and fill each
using the Collections2.capitals generator. Print each list using an
ordinary Iterator, then insert one list into the other by using a
ListIterator, inserting at every other location. Now perform the
insertion starting at the end of the first list and moving backward.
Write a method that uses an Iterator to step through a
Collection and print the hashCode( ) of each object in the
container. Fill all the different types of Collections with objects and
apply your method to each container.
- Repair the problem in InfiniteRecursion.java.
- Create a class, then make an initialized array of objects of your class.
Fill a List from your array. Create a subset of your List by using
subList( ), then remove this subset from your List by using
removeAll( ).
- Change Exercise 6 in Chapter 7 to use an ArrayList to hold the
Rodents and an Iterator to move through the sequence of
Rodents. Remember that an ArrayList holds only Objects, so
you must use a cast when accessing individual Rodents.
- Following the Queue.java example, create a Deque class and
test it.
- Use a TreeMap in Statistics.java. Now add code that tests the
performance difference between HashMap and TreeMap in that
- Produce a Map and a Set containing all the countries that
begin with “A.”
- Using Collections2.countries, fill a Set multiple times with
the same data and verify that the Set ends up with only one of each
instance. Try this with both kinds of Set.
- Starting with Statistics.java, create a program that runs the test
repeatedly and looks to see if any one number tends to appear more than the
others in the results.
- Rewrite Statistics.java using a HashSet of Counter
objects (you’ll have to modify Counter so that it will work in the
HashSet). Which approach seems better?
- Fill a LinkedHashMap with String keys and objects of your
choice. Now extract the pairs, sort them based on the keys, and re-insert them
into the Map.
- Modify the class in Exercise 16 so that the class will work with
HashSets and as a key in HashMaps.
- Using SlowMap.java for inspiration, create a SlowSet.
Create a FastTraversalLinkedList that internally uses a
LinkedList for rapid insertions and removals, and an ArrayList for
rapid traversals and get( ) operations. Test it by modifying
- Apply the tests in Map1.java to SlowMap to verify that it
works. Fix anything in SlowMap that doesn’t work correctly.
Implement the rest of the Map interface for SlowMap.
Modify MapPerformance.java to include tests of SlowMap.
Modify SlowMap so that instead of two ArrayLists, it holds a
single ArrayList of MPair objects. Verify that the modified
version works correctly. Using MapPerformance.java, test the speed of
your new Map. Now change the put( ) method so that it
performs a sort( ) after each pair is entered, and modify
get( ) to use Collections.binarySearch( ) to look up the
key. Compare the performance of the new version with the old ones.
Add a char field to CountedString that is also initialized in
the constructor, and modify the hashCode( ) and
equals( ) methods to include the value of this char.
Modify SimpleHashMap so that it reports collisions, and test this by
adding the same data set twice so that you see collisions.
- Modify SimpleHashMap so that it reports the number of
“probes” necessary when collisions occur. That is, how many calls to
next( ) must be made on the Iterators that walk the
LinkedLists looking for matches?
- Implement the clear( ) and remove( ) methods for
- Implement the rest of the Map interface for SimpleHashMap.
- Add a private rehash( ) method to SimpleHashMap
that is invoked when the load factor exceeds 0.75. During rehashing, double the
number of buckets, then search for the first prime number greater than that to
determine the new number of buckets.
- Following the example in SimpleHashMap.java, create and test a
- Modify SimpleHashMap to use ArrayLists instead of
LinkedLists. Modify MapPerformance.java to compare the performance
of the two implementations.
- Using the HTML documentation for the JDK (downloadable from
java.sun.com), look up the HashMap class. Create a HashMap,
fill it with elements, and determine the load factor. Test the lookup speed with
this map, then attempt to increase the speed by making a new HashMap with
a larger initial capacity and copying the old map into the new one, then run
your lookup speed test again on the new map.
- In Chapter 8, locate the GreenhouseController.java example, which
consists of four files. In Controller.java, the class Controller
uses an ArrayList. Change the code to use a LinkedList instead,
and use an Iterator to cycle through the set of events.
(Challenging). Write your own hashed map class, customized for a particular
key type: String for this example. Do not inherit it from Map.
Instead, duplicate the methods so that the put( ) and
get( ) methods specifically take String objects, not
Objects, as keys. Everything that involves keys should not use generic
types; instead, work with Strings to avoid the cost of upcasting and
downcasting. Your goal is to make the fastest possible custom implementation.
Modify MapPerformance.java to test your implementation versus a
- (Challenging). Find the source code for List in the Java source code
library that comes with all Java distributions. Copy this code and make a
special version called intList that holds only ints. Consider what
it would take to make a special version of List for all the primitive
types. Now consider what happens if you want to make a linked list class that
works with all the primitive types.
- Modify c08:Month.java to make it implement the Comparable
- Modify the hashCode( ) in CountedString.java by removing
the multiplication by id, and demonstrate that CountedString still
works as a key. What is the problem with this approach?
href="TIJ313.htm">[51] It’s possible, however, to ask how big the vector is, and the at( ) method does perform bounds checking.