Introducing iterators
An iterator is an object that
moves through a container of other objects and selects them one at a time,
without providing direct access to the implementation of that container.
Iterators provide a standard way to access elements, whether or not a container
provides a way to access the elements directly. You will see iterators used most
often in association with container classes, and iterators are a fundamental
concept in the design and use of the Standard C++ containers, which are fully
described in Volume 2 of this book (downloadable from
www.BruceEckel.com). An iterator is also a kind of
design pattern, which is
the subject of a chapter in Volume 2.
In many ways, an iterator is a
“smart pointer,” and in fact you’ll notice that iterators
usually mimic most pointer operations. Unlike a pointer, however, the iterator
is designed to be safe, so you’re much less likely to do the equivalent of
walking off the end of an array (or if you do, you find out about it more
Consider the first example in this
chapter. Here it is with a simple iterator added:
//: C16:IterIntStack.cpp
// Simple integer stack with iterators
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class IntStack {
enum { ssize = 100 };
int stack[ssize];
int top;
IntStack() : top(0) {}
void push(int i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
int pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
friend class IntStackIter;
// An iterator is like a "smart" pointer:
class IntStackIter {
IntStack& s;
int index;
IntStackIter(IntStack& is) : s(is), index(0) {}
int operator++() { // Prefix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[++index];
int operator++(int) { // Postfix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[index++];
int main() {
IntStack is;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// Traverse with an iterator:
IntStackIter it(is);
for(int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
cout << it++ << endl;
} ///:~
The IntStackIter has been created
to work only with an IntStack. Notice that IntStackIter is a
friend of IntStack, which gives it access to all the
private elements of IntStack.
Like a pointer,
IntStackIter’s job is to move through an IntStack and
retrieve values. In this simple example, the IntStackIter can move only
forward (using both the pre- and postfix forms of the operator++).
However, there is no boundary to the way an iterator can be defined, other than
those imposed by the constraints of the container it works with. It is perfectly
acceptable (within the limits of the underlying container) for an iterator to
move around in any way within its associated container and to cause the
contained values to be modified.
It is customary that an iterator is
created with a constructor that attaches it to a single container object, and
that the iterator is not attached to a different container during its lifetime.
(Iterators are usually small and cheap, so you can easily make another
With the iterator, you can traverse the
elements of the stack without popping them, just as a pointer can move through
the elements of an array. However, the iterator knows the underlying structure
of the stack and how to traverse the elements, so even though you are moving
through them by pretending to “increment a pointer,” what’s
going on underneath is more involved. That’s the key to the iterator: It
is abstracting the complicated process of moving from one container element to
the next into something that looks like a pointer. The goal is for every
iterator in your program to have the same interface so that any code that uses
the iterator doesn’t care what it’s pointing to – it just
knows that it can reposition all iterators the same way, so the container that
the iterator points to is unimportant. In this way you can write more generic
code. All of the containers and algorithms in the Standard C++ Library are based
on this principle of iterators.
To aid in making things more generic, it
would be nice to be able to say “every container has an associated class
called iterator,” but this will typically cause naming problems.
The solution is to add a nested
iterator class to each container (notice that in this case,
“iterator” begins with a lowercase letter so that it conforms
to the style of the Standard C++ Library). Here is IterIntStack.cpp with
a nested iterator:
//: C16:NestedIterator.cpp
// Nesting an iterator inside the container
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class IntStack {
enum { ssize = 100 };
int stack[ssize];
int top;
IntStack() : top(0) {}
void push(int i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
int pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
class iterator;
friend class iterator;
class iterator {
IntStack& s;
int index;
iterator(IntStack& is) : s(is), index(0) {}
// To create the "end sentinel" iterator:
iterator(IntStack& is, bool)
: s(is), index(s.top) {}
int current() const { return s.stack[index]; }
int operator++() { // Prefix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[++index];
int operator++(int) { // Postfix
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[index++];
// Jump an iterator forward
iterator& operator+=(int amount) {
require(index + amount < s.top,
"IntStack::iterator::operator+=() "
"tried to move out of bounds");
index += amount;
return *this;
// To see if you're at the end:
bool operator==(const iterator& rv) const {
return index == rv.index;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rv) const {
return index != rv.index;
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& os, const iterator& it) {
return os << it.current();
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); }
// Create the "end sentinel":
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, true);}
int main() {
IntStack is;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
cout << "Traverse the whole IntStack\n";
IntStack::iterator it = is.begin();
while(it != is.end())
cout << it++ << endl;
cout << "Traverse a portion of the IntStack\n";
start = is.begin(), end = is.begin();
start += 5, end += 15;
cout << "start = " << start << endl;
cout << "end = " << end << endl;
while(start != end)
cout << start++ << endl;
} ///:~
When making a nested friend class,
you must go through the process of first declaring the name of the class, then
declaring it as a friend, then defining the class. Otherwise, the
compiler will get confused.
Some new twists have been added to the
iterator. The current( ) member function produces the element in the
container that the iterator is currently selecting. You can “jump”
an iterator forward by an arbitrary number of elements using operator+=.
Also, you’ll see two overloaded operators: == and != that
will compare one iterator with another. These can compare any two
IntStack::iterators, but they are primarily intended as a test to
see if the iterator is at the end of a sequence in the same way that the
“real” Standard C++ Library iterators do.
The idea is that two iterators define a range, including the first element
pointed to by the first iterator and up to but not including the last
element pointed to by the second iterator. So if you want to move through the
range defined by the two iterators, you say something like
while(start != end)
cout << start++ << endl;
where start and end are the
two iterators in the range. Note that the end iterator, which we often
refer to as the end sentinel, is not dereferenced
and is there only to tell you that you’re at the end of the sequence. Thus
it represents “one past the end.”
Much of the time you’ll want to
move through the entire sequence in a container, so the container needs some way
to produce the iterators indicating the beginning of the sequence and the end
sentinel. Here, as in the Standard C++ Library, these iterators are produced by
the container member functions begin( ) and end( ).
begin( ) uses the first iterator constructor that defaults to
pointing at the beginning of the container (this is the first element pushed on
the stack). However, a second constructor, used by end( ), is
necessary to create the end sentinel iterator. Being “at the
end” means pointing to the top of the stack, because top always
indicates the next available – but unused – space on the stack. This
iterator constructor takes a second argument of type bool, which
is a dummy to distinguish the two constructors.
The Fibonacci
numbers are used again to fill the IntStack in main( ), and
iterators are used to move through the whole IntStack and also
within a narrowed range of the sequence.
The next step, of course, is to make the
code general by templatizing it on the type that it holds, so that instead of
being forced to hold only ints you can hold any type:
//: C16:IterStackTemplate.h
// Simple stack template with nested iterator
#include "../require.h"
#include <iostream>
template<class T, int ssize = 100>
class StackTemplate {
T stack[ssize];
int top;
StackTemplate() : top(0) {}
void push(const T& i) {
require(top < ssize, "Too many push()es");
stack[top++] = i;
T pop() {
require(top > 0, "Too many pop()s");
return stack[--top];
class iterator; // Declaration required
friend class iterator; // Make it a friend
class iterator { // Now define it
StackTemplate& s;
int index;
iterator(StackTemplate& st): s(st),index(0){}
// To create the "end sentinel" iterator:
iterator(StackTemplate& st, bool)
: s(st), index(s.top) {}
T operator*() const { return s.stack[index];}
T operator++() { // Prefix form
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[++index];
T operator++(int) { // Postfix form
require(index < s.top,
"iterator moved out of range");
return s.stack[index++];
// Jump an iterator forward
iterator& operator+=(int amount) {
require(index + amount < s.top,
" StackTemplate::iterator::operator+=() "
"tried to move out of bounds");
index += amount;
return *this;
// To see if you're at the end:
bool operator==(const iterator& rv) const {
return index == rv.index;
bool operator!=(const iterator& rv) const {
return index != rv.index;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& os, const iterator& it) {
return os << *it;
iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); }
// Create the "end sentinel":
iterator end() { return iterator(*this, true);}
You can see that the transformation from
a regular class to a template is reasonably transparent. This approach of
first creating and debugging an ordinary class, then making it into a template,
is generally considered to be easier than creating the template from
Notice that instead of just
friend iterator; // Make it a friend
friend class iterator; // Make it a friend
This is important because the name
“iterator” is already in scope, from an included
of the current( ) member function, the iterator has an
operator* to select the current element, which makes the iterator
look more like a pointer and is a common practice.
Here’s the revised example to test
the template:
//: C16:IterStackTemplateTest.cpp
//{L} fibonacci
#include "fibonacci.h"
#include "IterStackTemplate.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
StackTemplate<int> is;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
// Traverse with an iterator:
cout << "Traverse the whole StackTemplate\n";
StackTemplate<int>::iterator it = is.begin();
while(it != is.end())
cout << it++ << endl;
cout << "Traverse a portion\n";
start = is.begin(), end = is.begin();
start += 5, end += 15;
cout << "start = " << start << endl;
cout << "end = " << end << endl;
while(start != end)
cout << start++ << endl;
ifstream in("IterStackTemplateTest.cpp");
assure(in, "IterStackTemplateTest.cpp");
string line;
StackTemplate<string> strings;
while(getline(in, line))
sb = strings.begin(), se = strings.end();
while(sb != se)
cout << sb++ << endl;
} ///:~
first use of the iterator just marches it from beginning to end (and shows that
the end sentinel works properly). In the second usage, you can see how iterators
allow you to easily specify a range of elements (the containers and iterators in
the Standard C++ Library use this concept of ranges almost everywhere). The
overloaded operator+= moves the start and end iterators to
positions in the middle of the range of the elements in is, and these
elements are printed out. Notice in the output that the end sentinel is
not included in the range, thus it can be one past the end of the range
to let you know you’ve passed the end – but you don’t
dereference the end sentinel, or else you can end up dereferencing a null
pointer. (I’ve put guarding in the StackTemplate::iterator, but in
the Standard C++ Library containers and iterators there is no such code –
for efficiency reasons – so you must pay attention.)
Lastly, to verify that the
StackTemplate works with class objects, one is instantiated for
string and filled with the lines from the source-code file, which are
then printed