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Thinking in C++
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Passing & returning by value

To understand the need for the copy-constructor, consider the way C handles passing and returning variables by value during function calls. If you declare a function and make a function call,

int f(int x, char c);
int g = f(a, b);

how does the compiler know how to pass and return those variables? It just knows! The range of the types it must deal with is so small – char, int, float, double, and their variations – that this information is built into the compiler.

If you figure out how to generate assembly code with your compiler and determine the statements generated by the function call to f( ), you’ll get the equivalent of:

push  b
push  a
call  f()
add  sp,4
mov  g, register a

This code has been cleaned up significantly to make it generic; the expressions for b and a will be different depending on whether the variables are global (in which case they will be _b and _a) or local (the compiler will index them off the stack pointer). This is also true for the expression for g. The appearance of the call to f( ) will depend on your name-decoration scheme, and “register a” depends on how the CPU registers are named within your assembler. The logic behind the code, however, will remain the same.

In C and C++, arguments are first pushed on the stack from right to left, then the function call is made. The calling code is responsible for cleaning the arguments off the stack (which accounts for the add sp,4). But notice that to pass the arguments by value, the compiler simply pushes copies on the stack – it knows how big they are and that pushing those arguments makes accurate copies of them.

The return value of f( ) is placed in a register. Again, the compiler knows everything there is to know about the return value type because that type is built into the language, so the compiler can return it by placing it in a register. With the primitive data types in C, the simple act of copying the bits of the value is equivalent to copying the object.

Thinking in C++
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire