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Ruby Programming
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Regular Expressions

Back on page 50 when we were creating a song list from a file, we used a regular expression to match the field delimiter in the input file. We claimed that the expression line.split(/\s*\|\s*/) matched a vertical bar surrounded by optional whitespace. Let's explore regular expressions in more detail to see why this claim is true.

Regular expressions are used to match patterns against strings. Ruby provides built-in support that makes pattern matching and substitution convenient and concise. In this section we'll work through all the main features of regular expressions. There are some details we won't cover: have a look at page 205 for more information.

Regular expressions are objects of type Regexp. They can be created by calling the constructor explicitly or by using the literal forms /pattern/ and %r\pattern\.

a ='^\s*[a-z]') /^\s*[a-z]/
b = /^\s*[a-z]/ /^\s*[a-z]/
c = %r{^\s*[a-z]} /^\s*[a-z]/

Once you have a regular expression object, you can match it against a string using Regexp#match(aString) or the match operators =~ (positive match) and !~ (negative match). The match operators are defined for both String and Regexp objects. If both operands of the match operator are Strings, the one on the right will be converted to a regular expression.

a = "Fats Waller"
a =~ /a/ 1
a =~ /z/ nil
a =~ "ll" 7

The match operators return the character position at which the match occurred. They also have the side effect of setting a whole load of Ruby variables. $& receives the part of the string that was matched by the pattern, $` receives the part of the string that preceded the match, and $' receives the string after the match. We can use this to write a method, showRE, which illustrates where a particular pattern matches.

def showRE(a,re)
  if a =~ re
    "no match"
showRE('very interesting', /t/) very in<<t>>eresting
showRE('Fats Waller', /ll/) Fats Wa<<ll>>er

The match also sets the thread-global variables $~ and $1 through $9. The variable $~ is a MatchData object (described beginning on page 336) that holds everything you might want to know about the match. $1 and so on hold the values of parts of the match. We'll talk about these later. And for people who cringe when they see these Perl-like variable names, stay tuned. There's good news at the end of the chapter.
Ruby Programming
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