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Ruby Programming
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Higher-Level Access

Ruby provides a set of classes to facilitate writing clients for:
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
  • HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Post Office Protocol (POP)
  • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
  • Telnet

HTTP, POP, and SMTP are layered on top of a helper class, lib/net/protocol. Although we don't document the Protocol class here, you should probably study it if you are considering writing your own network client.

class Net::FTP
Parent: Object
Version: 1.6


new open Server commands close closed? connect debug_mode debug_mode= dir getbinaryfile gettextfile lastresp list login ls mtime passive passive= putbinaryfile puttextfile resume resume= retrbinary retrlines return_code storbinary storlines welcome

require 'net/ftp'

ftp ='') ftp.login files = ftp.chdir('pub/lang/ruby/contrib') files = ftp.list('n*') ftp.getbinaryfile('nif.rb-0.91.gz', 'nif.gz', 1024) ftp.close

The net/ftp library implements a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) client.

FTP_PORT Default port for FTP connections (21).

class methods
new host=nil, user=nil, passwd=nil, acct=nil) -> aSession

Creates and returns a new FTP object. If the host parameter is not nil, a connection is made to that host. Additionally, if the user parameter is not nil, the given user name, password, and (optionally) account are used to log in. See the description of FTP#login on page 484.

open host, user=nil, passwd=nil, acct=nil) -> aSession

A synonym for, but with a mandatory host parameter.

instance methods
Server commands aSession.acct( account )
aSession.chdir( dir )
aSession.delete( remoteFile )
aSession.mdtm( remoteFile ) -> aString
aSession.mkdir( dir )
aSession.nlst( dir=nil ) -> anArray
aSession.rename( fromname, toname )
aSession.rmdir( dir )
aSession.pwd -> aString
aSession.size( remoteFile ) -> anInteger
aSession.status -> aString
aSession.system -> aString

Issues the corresponding server command and returns the result.

close aSession.close

Closes the current connection.

closed? aSession.closed? -> true or false

Returns true if the current connection is closed.

connect aSession.connect( host, port=FTP_PORT )

Establishes an FTP connection to host, optionally overriding the default port. If the environment variable SOCKS_SERVER is set, sets up the connection through a SOCKS proxy. Raises an exception (typically Errno::ECONNREFUSED) if the connection cannot be established.

debug_mode aSession.debug_mode -> true or false

Returns the current debug mode.

debug_mode= aSession.debug_mode = true or false

If the debug mode is true, all traffic to and from the server is written to $stdout.

dir aSession.dir( [pattern]* ) -> anArray
aSession.dir( [pattern]* ) {| line | block }

Synonym for FTP#list.

getbinaryfile aSession.getbinaryfile( remotefile, localfile, blocksize, callback=nil)
aSession.getbinaryfile( remotefile, localfile, blocksize ) {| data | block }

Retrieves remotefile in binary mode, storing the result in localfile. If callback or an associated block is supplied, calls it, passing in the retrieved data in blocksize chunks.

gettextfile aSession.gettextfile( remotefile, localfile, callback=nil)
aSession.gettextfile( remotefile, localfile ) {| data | block }

Retrieves remotefile in ASCII (text) mode, storing the result in localfile. If callback or an associated block is supplied, calls it, passing in the retrieved data one line at a time.

lastresp aSession.lastresp -> aString

Returns the host's last response.

list aSession.list( [pattern]* ) -> anArray
aSession.list( [pattern]* ) {| line | block }

Fetches a directory listing of files matching the given pattern(s). If a block is associated with the call, invokes it with each line of the result. Otherwise, returns the result as an array of strings.

login aSession.login( user="anonymous", passwd=nil, acct=nil ) -> aString

Logs into the remote host. aSession must have been previously connected. If user is the string ``anonymous'' and the password is nil, a password of user@host is synthesized. If the acct parameter is not nil, an FTP ACCT command is sent following the successful login. Raises an exception on error (typically Net::FTPPermError).

ls [pattern]* ) -> anArray [pattern]* ) {| line | block }

Synonym for FTP#list.

mtime aSession.mtime( remoteFile, local=false ) -> aTime

Returns the last-modified time of remoteFile, interpreting the server's response as a GMT time if local is false, or as a local time otherwise.

passive aSession.passive -> true or false

Returns the state of the passive flag.

passive= aSession.passive = true or false

Puts the connection into passive mode if true.

putbinaryfile aSession.putbinaryfile( localfile, remotefile, blocksize, callback=nil)
aSession.putbinaryfile( localfile, remotefile, blocksize ) {| data | block }

Transfers localfile to the server in binary mode, storing the result in remotefile. If callback or an associated block is supplied, calls it, passing in the transmitted data in blocksize chunks.

puttextfile aSession.puttextfile( localfile, remotefile, callback=nil)
aSession.puttextfile( localfile, remotefile, blocksize ) {| data | block }

Transfers localfile to the server in ASCII (text) mode, storing the result in remotefile. If callback or an associated block is supplied, calls it, passing in the transmitted data one line at a time.

resume aSession.resume -> true or false

Returns the status of the resume flag (see FTP#resume=). Default is false.

resume= aSession.resume=aBoolean

Sets the status of the resume flag. When resume is true, partially received files will resume where they left off, instead of starting from the beginning again. This is done by sending a REST command (RESTart incomplete transfer) to the server.

retrbinary aSession.retrbinary( cmd, blocksize ) {| data | block }

Puts the connection into binary (image) mode, issues the given command, and fetches the data returned, passing it to the associated block in chunks of blocksize characters. Note that cmd is a server command (such as ``RETR myfile'').

retrlines aSession.retrlines(cmd) {| line | block }

Puts the connection into ASCII (text) mode, issues the given command, and passes the resulting data, one line at a time, to the associated block. If no block is given, prints the lines. Note that cmd is a server command (such as ``RETR myfile'').

return_code aSession.return_code -> aFixnum

Returns the return code from the last operation.

storbinary aSession.storbinary( cmd, fileName, blocksize, callback=nil)
aSession.storbinary( cmd, fileName, blocksize ) {| data | block }

Puts the connection into binary (image) mode, issues the given server-side command (such as ``STOR myfile''), and sends the contents of the file named fileName to the server. If the optional block is given, or if the callBack parameter is a Proc, also passes it the data, in chunks of blocksize characters.

storlines aSession.storlines( cmd, fileName, callback=nil)
aSession.storlines( cmd, fileName ) {| data | block }

Puts the connection into ASCII (text) mode, issues the given server-side command (such as ``STOR myfile''), and sends the contents of the file named fileName to the server, one line at a time. If the optional block is given, or if the callBack parameter is a Proc, also passes it the lines.

welcome aSession.welcome -> aString

Returns the host's welcome message.

class Net::HTTP
Parent: Net::Protocol
Version: 1.6


new port start get head post start

require 'net/http'

h ='', 80) resp, data = h.get('/index.html', nil ) puts "Code = #{resp.code}" puts "Message = #{resp.message}" resp.each {|key, val| printf "%-14s = %-40.40s\n", key, val } p data[0..55]
Code = 200
Message = OK
last-modified  = Wed, 29 May 2002 11:08:01 GMT
connection     = close
content-type   = text/html
etag           = "804d98-255c-3cf4b691"
date           = Sun, 09 Jun 2002 05:15:10 GMT
server         = Rapidsite/Apa/1.3.20 (Unix) FrontPage/4.
content-length = 9564
accept-ranges  = bytes
"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional"

The net/http library provides a simple client to fetch headers and Web page contents using the HTTP protocol.

The get, post, and head requests raise exceptions on any error, including some HTTP status responses that would normally be considered recoverable. There are two ways of handling these.

  1. Each method has a corresponding version get2, post2, or head2 that does not raise an exception. These versions are documented in the source.
  2. Recoverable errors raise a Net::ProtoRetriableError exception. This exception contains a data attribute containing the response returned by the server.

The code below illustrates the handling of an HTTP status 301, a redirect. It uses Tomoyuki Kosimizu's URI package, available in the RAA.

h =[0] || '', 80)
url = ARGV[1] || '/'

begin   resp, data = h.get(url, nil) { |a| } rescue Net::ProtoRetriableError => detail   head =

  if head.code == "301"     uri = URI.create(head['location'])

    host = uri['host']     url  = uri['path']     port = uri['port']

    h.finish     h =, port)

    retry   end end

class methods
new host='localhost', port=80, proxy=nil, proxy_port=nil ) -> aSession

Creates and returns a new HTTP object. No connection is made until HTTP#start is called.

port Net::HTTP.port -> aFixnum

Returns the default HTTP port (80).

start Net::HTTP.start( host=nil, port=80 )
Net::HTTP.start( host=nil, port=80 ) {| aSession | block }

Equivalent to, port).start.

instance methods
get aSession.get( path, headers=nil, dest="" ) -> anArray
aSession.get( path, headers=nil) {| result | block }

-> anArray

Retrieves headers and content from the specified path on the host specified when aSession was created. If specified, the headers parameter is a Hash containing additional header names and values to be sent with the request. The method returns a two-element array. The first element is an HTTPResponse object (documented in the next section). The second element is the page's content. The page's content is also passed to the << method of the dest parameter, or to the block if specified. This result is built network block by network block, not line by line. An exception is raised if an error is encountered. Multiple get calls may be made on aSession. Unless Protocol#finish is explicitly called, the connection will use the HTTP/1.1 keep-alive protocol, and will not close between requests.

head aSession.head( path, headers=nil ) -> aHash

Retrieves headers from the specified path on the host specified when aSession was created. If specified, the headers parameter is a hash containing additional header names and values to be sent with the request. The method returns a hash of received headers. An exception is raised if an error is encountered. Multiple head calls may be made on aSession.

post path, data, headers=nil, dest="" ) -> anArray path, data, headers=nil ) {| result | block } -> anArray

Sends data to path using an HTTP POST request. headers is a hash containing additional headers. Assigns the result to data or to the block, as for Net_HTTP#get. Returns a two-element array containing an HTTPResponse object and the reply body.

start aSession.start
aSession.start {| aSession | block }

Establishes a connection to the host associated with aSession. (start is actually a method in Net::Protocol, but its use is required in HTTP objects.) In the block form, closes the session at the end of the block.

class Net::HTTPResponse
Version: 1.6


[ ] [ ]= code each key? message

Represents an HTTP response to a GET or POST request.

instance methods
[ ] aSession[ aKey ] -> aString

Returns the header corresponding to the case-insensitive key. For example, a key of ``Content-type'' might return ``text/html''.

[ ]= aSession[ aKey ] = aString

Sets the header corresponding to the case-insensitive key.

code aSession.code -> aString

Returns the result code from the request (for example, ``404'').

each aSession.each {| key, val | block }

Iterates over all the header key-value pairs.

key? aSession.key?( aKey ) -> true or false

Returns true only if a header with the given key exists.

message aSession.message -> aString

Returns the result message from the request (for example, ``Not found'').

class Net::POP
Parent: Net::Protocol
Version: 1.6


new each finish mails start

require 'net/pop'
pop ='')
pop.start('user', 'secret') do |pop|
  msg = pop.mails[0]

  # Print the 'From:' header line   puts msg.header.split("\r\n").grep(/^From: /)

  # Put message to $stdout (by calling <<)   puts "\nFull message:\n"   msg.all($stdout) end
From: dummy msg for Andy

Full message: From: dummy msg for Andy looks-better: on dave's box

That's all folks!

The net/pop library provides a simple client to fetch and delete mail on a Post Office Protocol (POP) server.

The class Net::POP3 is used to access a POP server, returning a list of Net::POPMail objects, one per message stored on the server. These POPMail objects are then used to fetch and/or delete individual messages. The library also provides an alternative to the POP3 class that performs APOP authentication.

class methods
new host='localhost', port=110 ) -> aSession

Creates and returns a new POP3 object. No connection is made until POP3#start is called.

instance methods
each aSession.each {| popmail | block }

Calls the associated block once for each e-mail stored on the server, passing in the corresponding POPMail object.

finish aSession.finish -> true or false

Closes the pop connection. Some servers require that a connection is closed before they honor actions such as deleting mail. Returns false if the connection was never used.

mails aSession.mails -> anArray

Returns an array of POPMail objects, where each object corresponds to an e-mail message stored on the server.

start aSession.start( user, password )
aSession.start( user, password ) {| pop | block }

Establishes a connection to the pop server, using the supplied username and password. Fetches a list of mail held on the server, which may be accessed using the POP3#mails and POP3#each methods. In block form, passes aSession to the block, and closes the connection using finish when the block terminates.

class Net::APOP
Parent: Net::POP3
Version: 1.6



instance methods
start aSession.start( user, password )

Establishes a connection to the APOP server.

class Net::POPMail
Parent: Object
Version: 1.6


all delete delete! header size top uidl

instance methods
all aSession.all -> aString
aSession.all( dest )
aSession.all {| aString | block }

Fetches the corresponding e-mail from the server. With no argument or associated block, returns the e-mail as a string. With an argument but no block, appends the e-mail to dest by invoking dest << for each line in the e-mail. With an associated block, invokes the block once for each line in the e-mail.

delete aSession.delete

Deletes the e-mail from the server.

delete! aSession.delete!

Synonym for POPMail#delete.

header aSession.header -> aString

Returns the header lines for the corresponding e-mail message.

size aSession.size -> aFixnum

Returns the size in bytes of the corresponding e-mail.

top lines ) -> aString

Returns the header lines, plus lines message lines for the corresponding e-mail message.

uidl aSession.uidl -> aString

Returns the server-specific unique identifier for the corresponding e-mail.

class Net::SMTP
Parent: Net::Protocol
Version: 1.6


new start ready sendmail start

require 'net/smtp'

# --- Send using class methods msg = [ "Subject: Test\n", "\n", "Now is the time\n" ] Net::SMTP.start do |smtp|   smtp.sendmail( msg,  'dave@localhost', ['dave'] ) end

# --- Send using SMTP object and an adaptor smtp = smtp.start('') smtp.ready('dave@localhost', 'dave') do |a|   a.write "Subject: Test1\r\n"   a.write "\r\n"   a.write "And so is this" end

The net/smtp library provides a simple client to send electronic mail using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
class methods
new server='localhost', port=25 ) -> aSession

Returns a new SMTP object connected to the given server and port.

start Net::SMTP.start( server='localhost', port=25, domain=ENV['HOSTNAME'], acct=nil, passwd=nil, authtype=:cram_md5 ) -> aSession
Net::SMTP.start( server='localhost', port=25, domain=ENV['HOSTNAME'], acct=nil, passwd=nil, authtype=:cram_md5 ) {| smtp | block }

Equivalent to, port).start(...). For an explanation of the remainder of the parameters, see the instance method Net_SMTP#start. Creates a new SMTP object. The domain parameter will be used in the initial HELO or EHLO transaction with the SMTP server. In the block form, the smtp object is passed into the block. When the block terminates, the session is closed.

instance methods
ready aSession.ready( from, to ) {| anAdaptor | block }

Equivalent to sendmail(from, to) { ...}. Sends header and body lines to the sendmail server. The from parameter is used as the sender's name in the MAIL FROM: command, and the to is either a string or an array of strings containing the recipients for the RCPT TO: command. The block is passed an adaptor object. Lines are sent to the server by calling the adaptor's write method. The terminating '.' and QUIT are sent automatically.

sendmail aSession.sendmail( src, from, to )

Sends header and body lines to the sendmail server. The from parameter is used as the sender's name in the MAIL FROM: command, and to is either a string or an array of strings containing the recipients for the RCPT TO: command. Lines to be sent are fetched by invoking src .each. The terminating '.' and QUIT are sent automatically.

start aSession.start( domain=ENV['HOSTNAME'], acct=nil, passwd=nil, authtype=:cram_md5 ) -> true or false
aSession.start( domain=ENV['HOSTNAME'], acct=nil, passwd=nil, authtype=:cram_md5 ) {| smtp | block } -> true or false

Starts an SMTP session by connecting to the given domain (host). If acct and passwd are given, authentication will be attempted using the given authentication type (:plain or :cram_md5). If a block is supplied, it will be invoked with aSession as a parameter. The connection will be closed when the block terminates.

class Net::Telnet
Parent: [Socket]
Version: 1.6


new binmode binmode= cmd login print telnetmode telnetmode= waitfor write

Connect to a localhost, run the ``date'' command, and disconnect.

require 'net/telnet'
tn ={})
tn.login "guest", "secret"
tn.cmd "date" "date\r\nSun Jun  9 00:15:20 CDT 2002\n\r> "

Monitor output as it occurs. We associate a block with each of the library calls; this block is called whenever data becomes available from the host.

require 'net/telnet'

tn ={})     { |str| print str } tn.login("guest", "secret")  { |str| print str } tn.cmd("date")  { |str| print str }
Trying localhost...
Connected to localhost.
Welcome to SuSE Linux 7.1 (i386) - Kernel 2.4.0-64GB-SMP (8).

zip login: guest Password: Last login: Sun Jun  9 00:15:19 from localhost /etc/zshrc: setopt: no such option: histexpiredupsfirst [31] > date Sun Jun  9 00:15:20 CDT 2002 >

Get the time from an NTP server.

require 'net/telnet'
tn ='Host'       => '',
                     'Port'       => 'time',
                     'Timeout'    => 60,
                     'Telnetmode' => false)
atomicTime = tn.recv(4).unpack('N')[0]
puts "Atomic time: " + - 2208988800).to_s
puts "Local time:  " +
Atomic time: Sun Jun 09 00:15:12 CDT 2002
Local time:  Sun Jun 09 00:15:20 CDT 2002

The net/telnet library provides a complete implementation of a telnet client and includes features that make it a convenient mechanism for interacting with non-telnet services.

Although the class description that follows indicates that Net::Telnet is a subclass of class Socket, this is a lie. In reality, the class delegates to Socket. The net effect is the same: the methods of Socket and its parent, class IO, are available through Net::Telnet objects.

The methods new, cmd, login, and waitfor take an optional block. If present, the block is passed output from the server as it is received by the routine. This can be used to provide realtime output, rather than waiting for (for example) a login to complete before displaying the server's response.

class methods
new options ) -> aSession options ) {| str | block } -> aSession

Connects to a server. options is a Hash with zero or more of the following:

Option Default Meaning
Binmode false If true, no end-of-line processing will be performed.
Host localhost Name or address of server's host.
Port 23 Name or number of service to call.
Prompt /[$%#>]/ Pattern that matches the host's prompt.
Telnetmode true If false, ignore the majority of telnet embedded escape sequences. Used when talking with a non-telnet server.
Timeout 10 Time in seconds to wait for a server response (both during connection and during regular data transmission).
Waittime 0 Time to wait for prompt to appear in received data stream.

instance methods
binmode aSession.binmode -> true or false

Returns the current value of the Binmode flag.

binmode= aSession.binmode = true or false

Sets the Binmode flag, returning the new value.

cmd aSession.cmd( options ) -> aString
aSession.cmd( options ) {| str | block } -> aString

Sends a string to the server and waits (using a timeout) for a string that matches a pattern to be returned by the server. If the parameter is not a Hash, it is sent as a string to the server, and the pattern to match and the timeout are the Prompt and Timeout options given when aSession was created. If options is a Hash, then options['String'] is sent to the server. options['Match'] may be used to override the class Prompt parameter, and options['Timeout'] the timeout. The method returns the complete server response.

login aSession.login( options, password=nil ) -> aString
aSession.login( options, password=nil ) {| str | block } -> aString

If options is a Hash, a username is taken from options['Name'] and a password from options['Password']; otherwise, options is assumed to be the username, and password the password. The method waits for the server to send the string matching the pattern /login[:[visible space]]*\z/ and sends the username. If a password is given, it then waits for the server to send /Password[:[visible space]]*\z/ and sends the password. The method returns the full server response.

print aSession.print( aString )

Sends aString to the server, honoring Telnetmode, Binarymode, and any additional modes negotiated with the server.

telnetmode aSession.telnetmode -> true or false

Returns the current value of the Telnetmode flag.

telnetmode= aSession.telnetmode= true or false

Sets the Telnetmode flag, returning the new value.

waitfor aSession.waitfor( options ) -> aString
aSession.waitfor( options ) {| str | block } -> aString

Waits for the server to respond with a string that matches a string or pattern. If options is not a Hash, it is compared against the cumulative server output as that output is received using options. ===. It is likely that you will want to use a regular expression in this case.

If options is a Hash, then options['Match'], options['Prompt'], or options['String'] provides the match. In the latter case, the string will be converted to a regular expression before being used. options may also include the keys ``Timeout'' and ``Waittime'' to override the class options of the same names.

write aSession.write( aString )

Writes aString to the server with no translation.

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