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The GNU C Programming Tutorial - Questions for Chapter 6

Node:Questions for Chapter 6, Previous:Scope example, Up:Scope

Questions for Chapter 6

  1. What is a global variable?
  2. What is a local variable?
  3. Do parameters spoil functions by leaking the variables into other functions?
  4. Write a program gnoahs_park that declares 4 variables. Two global integer variables called num_gnus and num_gnats, and two local floating point variables within the function main, called avg_gnu_mass, and avg_gnat_mass. Then add another function called calculate_park_biomass, and pass avg_gnu_mass and avg_gnat_mass to it. How many different storage spaces are used when this program runs? (Hint: are avg_gnu_mass and avg_gnat_mass and their copies the same?)

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