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The GNU C Programming Tutorial - Bitwise operators

Node:Bitwise operators, Next:, Previous:Machine-level operators, Up:Machine-level operators

Bitwise operators

C provides the following operators for handling bit patterns:

Bit-shift left by a specified number of bit positions
Bit-shift right by a specified number of bit positions
Bitwise inclusive OR
Bitwise exclusive OR
Bitwise AND
Bitwise NOT
Bit-shift left assignment (var = var << value)
Bit-shift right assignment (var = var >> value)
Exclusive OR assignment (var = var | value)
Inclusive OR assignment (var = var ^ value)
AND assignment (var = var & value)

The meaning and syntax of these operators is given below.

Don't confuse bitwise operators (such as bitwise AND, &) with logical operators (such as logical AND, &&). Bitwise operators operate on each bit in the operand individually.

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