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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - Problems in the Design of Unix - ioctl(2) and fcntl(2) Are an Embarrassment

ioctl(2) and fcntl(2) Are an Embarrassment

The ioctl(2) and fcntl(2) mechanisms provide a way to write hooks into a device driver. The original, historical use of ioctl(2) was to set parameters like baud rate and number of framing bits in a serial-communications driver, thus the name (for ‘I/O control’). Later, ioctl calls were added for other driver functions, and fcntl(2) was added as a hook into the file system.

Over the years, ioctl and fcntl calls have proliferated. They are often poorly documented, and often a source of portability problems as well. With each one comes a grubby pile of macro definitions describing operation types and special argument values.

The underlying problem is the same as ‘big bag of bytes’; Unix's object model is weak, leaving no natural places to put many auxiliary operations. Designers have an untidy choice among unsatisfactory alternatives; fcntl/ioctl going through devices in /dev, new special-purpose system calls, or hooks through special-purpose virtual file systems that hook into the kernel (e.g. /proc under Linux and elsewhere).

It is not clear whether or how Unix's object model will be enriched in the future. If MacOS-like file attributes become a common feature of Unix, tweaking magic named attributes on device drivers may take over the role ioctl/fcntl now have (this would at least have the merit of not requiring piles of macro definitions before the interface could be used). We've already seen that Plan 9, which uses the named file server or file system as its basic object, rather than the file/bytestream, presents another possible path.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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