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System Administration Guide: Basic Administration
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Java Web Console (Overview)

The Java Web Console provides a common location for users to access web-based system management applications. You access the web console by logging in through a secure https port with one of several supported web browsers. The single entry point that the web console provides eliminates the need to learn URLs for multiple applications. In addition, the single entry point provides user authentication and authorization for all applications that are registered with the web console.

All web console-based applications conform to the same user interface guidelines, which enhances ease of use. The web console also provides auditing of user sessions and logging service for all registered applications.

What Is the Java Web Console?

The Java Web Console is a web page where you can find the Sun system management web-based applications that are installed and registered on your system. Registration is automatically a part of an application's installation process. Thus, registration requires no administrator intervention.

The Java Web Console provides the following:

  • A single point of entry for login and the launching of browser-based system management applications

    The Java Web Console is Sun's current direction for system management applications. The console provides a central location from which you can start browser-based management applications simply by clicking the application names. No compatibility exists between the Java Web Console and the Solaris Management Console. The Java Web Console is a web application that you access through a browser, and Solaris Management Console is a Java application that you start from a command line. Because the consoles are completely independent, you can run both consoles on the same system at the same time.

  • Single sign-on through a secure https port

    Single sign-on in this context means that you do not have to authenticate yourself to each management application after you authenticate yourself to the web console. You enter your user name and password just once per console session.

  • Dynamically organized and aggregated applications

    Applications are installed and displayed on the console launch page under the category of management tasks that is most applicable.

    Categories include the following:

    • Systems

    • Storage

    • Services

    • Desktop applications

    • Other

  • A common look and feel

    All web console applications use the same user interface (UI) components and behavior, thereby reducing the learning curve for administrators.

  • Standard, extensible authentication, authorization, and auditing mechanisms

    The Java Web Console supports Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM), role-based access control (RBAC) roles, and Basic Security Module (BSM) auditing.

Java Web Console Management Commands

The Java Web Console includes the following management commands:

  • smcwebserver – This command starts and stops the console's web server.

  • wcadminStarting with the Solaris 10 11/06 release, this command is used to configure the console, and to register and deploy console applications. For more information, see the wcadmin(1M) man page.

  • smreg – If you are not running at least the Solaris Express 5/06release, this command is used to register all console applications.

    , use this command only to register legacy applications that were created for a version of the console that is not at least Java Web Console 3.0.

The commands are used to perform various tasks that this chapter describes.

For more information about each command, see the smcwebserver(1M), wcadmin(1M), and the smreg(1M) man pages.

Supported Web Browsers

The Java Web Console can be used in any of the following browsers while running the Solaris OS:

  • Mozilla (at least Version, 1.4)

  • Netscape (at least Version, 6.2)

  • Firefox (at least Version, 1.0)

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