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System Administration Guide: Virtualization Using the Solaris Operating System
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Install a DomU Interactively by Using virt-install

Type virt-install at the command line of the dom0 to install a guest domain (domU).

# virt-install

Respond to the tool's prompts:

  • Provide a name for your new virtualized system, for example, Sdomain_1.

  • Provide the path to installation media containing the files needed to install a domU on the virtual system (URL, path).

  • Provide the root file system path, specifying the disk partition or file the domU should use. You are specifying how you want to assign space on the physical system for the domU. Later, you can add additional storage sources, including network-mounted, to an existing system.

  • Provide the network setup.

    • Virtual

    • Shared physical device

  • Provide the memory and CPU resources allocations. You can revise these values later.

  • Provide mem-max memory setup.

    A domU can balloon, or expand, its actual memory allocation up to the maximum threshold allocated.

  • Provide the vcpus setting.

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