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System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems
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Overview of Accessing Removable Media

Essentially, removable media services enable you to access removable media just as manual mounting does, but more easily and without the need for superuser access.

If the media contains a file system and a label, the media label name is used to name the /media/pathname mount point. If a label is not present, the disk model name is used to name the media, such as /media/cdrom. A generic nickname is used only for legacy symbolic links. For example, /rmdisk/rmdisk0.

If your system has more than one type of removable device, see the following table for their access points.

Table 1-2 How to Access Data on Removable Media



Unlabeled Media Pathnames

Labeled Media Pathname Examples

Files on a diskette

The diskette and type volcheck on the command line



Files on a removable hard disk

The removable hard disk and type volcheck on the command line

/media/usb-disk or the legacy path /rmdisk/rmdisk0


Files on a CD

The CD and wait for a few seconds



Files on a DVD

The DVD and wait for a few seconds



You can use the rmmount -l command to identify mounted media on your system. For example:

# rmmount -l
/dev/dsk/c5t0d0p0       rmdisk6,/media/FD-05PUB
/dev/dsk/c4t0d3p0       rmdisk5,/media/223UHS-SD-MMC
/dev/dsk/c2t0d0s2       cdrom1,cd1,sr1,SOL_11_X86,/media/SOL_11_X86
/dev/dsk/c3t0d0p0       rmdisk2,/media/00JB-00CRA0

In the above output, the mounted devices are as follows:


USB floppy


CF card in a USB card reader




Removable USB disk

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