Step 1. Plan the project
Although you can make changes at most steps in this process, the more you can plan before you start, the less work you will have to do to correct any problems later. Here are some things you need to plan:
Parts of book or report required. What pages will be in the master document and what will be in the subdocuments? (The ToC and index must be in the master document.)
Consider as an example a book with the parts given in the table below.
| Location
Title (cover) page
| In master document
Copyright page
| In master document
Table of Contents
| In master document
Preface (Foreword)
| Subdocument
Chapters 1 to 8
| Subdocuments
Appendixes A, B
| Subdocuments
| In master document
Page, paragraph, character, frame, and numbering styles. See
Chapter 6 (Introduction to Styles) and
Chapter 7 (Working with Styles) for instructions on how to create or modify styles and examples of the use of styles in book design.
Fields and AutoText entries, as required. See other chapters in this book for ideas.