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OpenOffice Impress 3.x Guide
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Printing handouts

  1. Choose File > Print from the menu bar.
  2. In the Print content section of the Print dialog box, make sure that Handouts is selected.
  3. Select Handouts for printing
  4. You can select which slides to include in the handouts. In the Print range section, select Pages and specify the slide numbers to be included. Any numbers entered here correspond to slides, not pieces of paper.
  5. Choose which slides to print

For more about printing slides, notes, and handouts, see Chapter 10.

Exporting handouts to PDF

At present there is no way to export handouts to PDF. However, you can print to a PostScript file (if you have a suitable printer driver installed) and then use another program (such as Ghostscript or Adobe Distiller) to create a PDF from the PostScript file.

Printing to a PostScript file
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OpenOffice Impress 3.x Guide
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