Loading additional slide masters
Sometimes, in the same set of slides, you may need to mix multiple slide masters that may belong to different templates. For example, you may need a completely different layout for the first slide of the presentation, or you may want to add to your presentation a slide from a different presentation (based on a template available on the hard disk).
The Slide Design dialog makes this possible. Access this dialog either from the menu bar (Format > Slide design) or by right-clicking on a slide in the Slides pane.
The main window in the dialog shows the slide masters already available for use. To add more:
- Click the Load button.
- Select in the new dialog the template from which to load the slide master. Click OK.
- Click OK again to close the slide design dialog.
The slide masters in the template you selected are now shown also in the Master Pages section of the Tasks pane in the Available for use subsection.
 | The slide masters you have loaded will also be available the next time you load the presentation. If you want to delete the unused slide masters, click the corresponding checkbox in the Slide Design dialog. Due to a bug, if the slide master was not used in the presentation, it is removed from the list of available slide masters anyway.
 | To limit the size of the presentation file, you may want to minimize the number of slide masters used.