Shortcut Keys | Result
Enter key | Activates the focused button in a dialog.
Esc | Terminates the action or dialog. If in Help: goes up one level.
Spacebar | Toggles the focused checkbox in a dialog.
Arrow keys | Changes the active control field in an option section of a dialog.
Tab | Advances focus to the next section or element in a dialog.
Shift+Tab | Moves the focus to the previous section or element in a dialog.
Alt+Down Arrow | Opens the list of the control field currently selected in a dialog. This shortcut applies to combo boxes and to icon buttons with pop-up menus. Close an opened list by pressing the Esc key.
Del | Deletes the selected items into the recycle bin.
Shift+Del | Deletes the selected items without putting them in the recycle bin.
Backspace | When a folder is shown: goes up one level (goes back).
Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar | Removes direct formatting from selected text or objects (as in Format > Default Formatting).
Ctrl+Tab | When positioned at the start of a header, a tab is inserted.
Enter (if an OLE object is selected) | Activates the selected OLE object.
Enter (if a drawing object or text object is selected) | Activates text input mode.
Ctrl+O | Opens a document.
Ctrl+S | Saves the current document.
Ctrl+N | Creates a new document.
Shift+Ctrl+N | Opens Templates and Documents dialog.
Ctrl+P | Prints the document.
Ctrl+Q | Exits the application.
Ctrl+X | Cuts the selected elements.
Ctrl+C | Copies the selected items.
Ctrl+V | Pastes from the clipboard.
Ctrl+Shift+V | Opens the Paste Special dialog.
Ctrl+A | Selects all.
Ctrl+Z | Undoes last action.
Ctrl+Y | Redoes last action.
Ctrl+F | Calls the Find & Replace dialog.
Ctrl+Shift+F | Searches for the last entered search term.
Ctrl+Shift+J | Toggles the view between fullscreen mode and normal mode in Writer or Calc.
Ctrl+Shift+R | Refreshes (redraws) the document view.
Shift+Ctrl+I | Enables or disables the selection cursor in read-only text.
Ctrl+I | Applies the Italic attribute to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also marked in italic.
Ctrl+B | Applies The Bold attribute to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also put in bold.
Ctrl+U | Applies the Underlined attribute to the selected area. If the cursor is positioned in a word, this word is also underlined.