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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Work with large or complex documents

Major differences exist in the use of master documents. The table does not attempt to summarize all these differences.

Table 7: Work with large or complex documents

To do this

In Word

In Writer

Create a table of contents, list of figures, or an alphabetic index

Insert > Index and Tables

Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables

Insert index entries


Insert > Indexes and Tables > Entry

Create a bibliographic database

Need to use other package

Tools > Bibliography Database

Insert bibliographic references into text

Link to field in database

Insert > Indexes and Tables > Bibliography Entry

Insert footnotes and endnotes

Insert > Footnote

Insert > Footnote

Insert other files

Insert > File, choose Insert or As Link

Insert > File

Cross-reference between documents

Use Includetext fields

Currently have to remember the name of the set reference. Reference will show correctly when in master document. (Or use the OutlineCrossRef3-fr-3 macro available from user.php#113812.

Use master documents

Some experts do not recommend using Master Documents in Word.

File > Send > Create Master Document; use the Navigator (F5) to insert subdocuments.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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