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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Use of Autosum feature

The Autosum feature (invoked by clicking on the upper-case Greek sigma) works slightly differently in one respect in Calc than in Excel.

For either Excel or Calc, you can select an empty cell, generally just below the bottom of a range containing numbers to be summed (or to the right of a range of numbers to be summed). When the Autosum button is clicked, Excel or Calc will propose a range to be summed, which in many cases, is in fact the range the user intended. If this is the correct range, pressing Enter will enter the SUM function into the cell. If the proposed range is not what the user intended, the user can highlight the range desired, then press Enter. There is no difference between Excel and Calc when using the Autosum as described above.

In Excel, you can also first highlight the range to be summed plus one additional blank cell, then click Autosum. The SUM function will then be entered in the previously blank cell. This use of Autosum is not available in Calc.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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