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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Storing configurations in a template

This section describes how to store changes to menus, keyboard shortcuts, the status bar and toolbars in a template so that the customizations are automatically loaded when you work on a document based on that template.

  1. Create and save the template that is to have the configurations saved into it. A back-up of the template, without the configuration changes, is a good precaution too.

  2. Make the desired changes to the configuration. (See “Customizing menus”, “Customizing toolbars” and “Customizing shortcut keys above.) Note that any changes you do not want as standard will have to be undone.

  3. Tools > Customize.

  4. At each step of customization of the template, that is for each tab of the dialog that you want to change, choose the desired template (the one first created and saved in step 1) and click Save.

  5. Overwrite the file—the warning message that is displayed can be ignored.

  6. Undo the pre-existing changes that are not wanted (as was noted in step 2).

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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