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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Navigator (Figure 3) provides a hierarchical view of the objects that make up a document. With the Navigator you can view a listing of objects such as sheets, range and database names, linked areas, graphics, OLE objects, notes and drawing objects. While it is a convenient way to browse and select the various objects that make up a document, you can also use it to copy cells or insert links into a spreadsheet from another document, or from a sheet within the same spreadsheet. (See “Working across spreadsheets“ on page 16.)

The Navigator copies and inserts links using drag and drop. To use the Navigator to create a link, the data to be linked must be defined as a named range within the source document. If there are no named ranges within the source document, the Navigator will not list any linkable items.

The Navigator also displays the objects and can link data from Excel spreadsheets.


Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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