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Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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Customizing word entry and editing


A feature in OOo is the ability to have exceptions for AutoCorrect/AutoFormat rules. For example, you can have “Correct TWo INitial Capitals” in operation but exclude situations where two capitals are desired, like OOo. To set up exceptions:

  1. Tools > AutoCorrect.

  2. Click on the Exceptions tab (Figure 4).


Undo and redo

To specify how many “undos” are available:

Tools > Options > > Memory > Number of steps.

Checking spelling

To set up the Spellcheck options in, use:

Tools > Options > Language Settings > Writing Aids

The Spellcheck options are consistent across all OOo applications.


Unlike the default dictionaries, custom dictionaries are not compressed. Using too many custom dictionaries, or those containing more than 1000 entries, reduces performance while proofing.

Installing other language dictionaries

To install dictionaries of other languages select File > Wizards > Install new dictionaries. An OOo document will open with links to different languages that you can install. Follow the prompts to install them.

Microsoft Office to OpenOffice Migration Guide
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