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 VC Dired Commands

All the usual Dired commands work normally in VC Dired mode, except for v, which is redefined as the version control prefix. You can invoke VC commands such as vc-diff and vc-print-log by typing v =, or v l, and so on. Most of these commands apply to the file name on the current line.

The command v v (vc-next-action) operates on all the marked files, so that you can lock or check in several files at once. If it operates on more than one file, it handles each file according to its current state; thus, it might lock one file, but check in another file. This could be confusing; it is up to you to avoid confusing behavior by marking a set of files that are in a similar state. If no files are marked, v v operates on the file in the current line.

If any files call for check-in, v v reads a single log entry, then uses it for all the files being checked in. This is convenient for registering or checking in several files at once, as part of the same change.

You can toggle between terse display (only locked files, or files not up-to-date) and full display at any time by typing v t (vc-dired-toggle-terse-mode). There is also a special command * l (vc-dired-mark-locked), which marks all files currently locked (or, with CVS, all files not up-to-date). Thus, typing * l t k is another way to delete from the buffer all files except those currently locked.

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