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44 PostScript Hardcopy

These commands convert buffer contents to PostScript, either printing it or leaving it in another Emacs buffer.

M-x ps-print-buffer
Print hardcopy of the current buffer in PostScript form.
M-x ps-print-region
Print hardcopy of the current region in PostScript form.
M-x ps-print-buffer-with-faces
Print hardcopy of the current buffer in PostScript form, showing the faces used in the text by means of PostScript features.
M-x ps-print-region-with-faces
Print hardcopy of the current region in PostScript form, showing the faces used in the text.
M-x ps-spool-buffer
Generate PostScript for the current buffer text.
M-x ps-spool-region
Generate PostScript for the current region.
M-x ps-spool-buffer-with-faces
Generate PostScript for the current buffer, showing the faces used.
M-x ps-spool-region-with-faces
Generate PostScript for the current region, showing the faces used.
M-x handwrite
Generates/prints PostScript for the current buffer as if handwritten.

The PostScript commands, ps-print-buffer and ps-print-region, print buffer contents in PostScript form. One command prints the entire buffer; the other, just the region. The corresponding ‘-with-faces’ commands, ps-print-buffer-with-faces and ps-print-region-with-faces, use PostScript features to show the faces (fonts and colors) in the text properties of the text being printed.

If you are using a color display, you can print a buffer of program code with color highlighting by turning on Font-Lock mode in that buffer, and using ps-print-buffer-with-faces.

The commands whose names have ‘spool’ instead of ‘print’ generate the PostScript output in an Emacs buffer instead of sending it to the printer.

M-x handwrite is more frivolous. It generates a PostScript rendition of the current buffer as a cursive handwritten document. It can be customized in group handwrite. This function only supports ISO 8859-1 characters.

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